Senior Spotlight: Cindy Melendrez

By: Megan Katz

Cindy Melendrez, 22, began her Chico State career almost five years ago, and it hasn't stopped for a second. Throughout her stay, Melendrez has proven herself as a woman of many organizations with a commitment to involvement.

Melendrez stays busy by balancing her many extracurricular activities and being a student. "Being busy is what kept me going. I don't necessarily like to have a lot of free time," she said.

Cindy Melendrez: headshot
During her freshman year, Melendrez began volunteering with Community Action Volunteers in Education (CAVE), which she attributes as the jumpstart that got her involved in several organizations on campus.

"You do CAVE, and you end up doing everything," Melendrez said.

In the spring of her freshman year, Melendrez joined Lambda Theta Nu, a Latina-based sorority that was founded in Chico. Melendrez is a part of the 1,643 female Hispanic student population at Chico State, said Lynn Abbiati, a research technician in the Institutional Research department.

Melendrez is still involved today as risk manager of the sorority after serving as president last year.

Through her sorority, she led a mentoring program that brings junior high school girls from Tehama County to the Chico State campus each month. As part of the program, they hold workshops that focus on building leadership, self-esteem, and cultural development.

Melendrez also worked for Greek Life and the Cross-Cultural Leadership Center (CLCC) as a para-professional. Her work in programming with the CCLC reassured her plans of pursuing higher education, Melendrez said.

Throughout her college career, Melendrez participated in many outreach programs. As a Wildcat Ambassador, she had the opportunity to speak at high schools around Chico about higher education and Chico State.

However, Melendrez's involvement didn't stop there—she has also worked on Cesar Chavez awareness and, in her free time, Ann Schwab's campaign for Chico City Council.

"I loved doing everything, so it was never a burden," she said.

Melendrez will graduate in May with a double major in psychology and sociology. She will begin the Higher Education Master of Arts Program in fall 2013 at the University of Denver in Colorado. In the future, Melendrez would like to work at a university.

"Since Chico is something I hold dear to my heart, I want to come back and help this school," Melendrez said.